Shoshone Creek Ranch

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29216 Coeur d’Alene River Road
Wallace, ID 83873
(208) 682-2267 (Phone: May 1 – October 15)
(208) 682-9187 (Fax)
Welcome to Shoshone Creek Ranch—an authentic western guest ranch welcoming kids and families to a one-of-a-kind camp experience!
Many camps offer adventure, horseback riding, high ropes, outdoor recreation opportunities and family programming, but no place combines rustic comfort, 2.5 million acres of surrounding National Forests, generous hospitality, near-wilderness escapades and quality Christian programming like Shoshone Creek Ranch!
We offer campfire meals served from our restored 1880’s Chuck Wagon; horseback trail rides; eco-friendly composting toilets; a new shower house; running water and new-fangled ‘lectricity!
Shoshone Creek Ranch is located on the western edge of the famous Bitterroot Mountains on the beautiful North Fork of the Coeur d’Alene River and is operated under an Outfitters & Guides Permit from the Idaho Panhandle National Forests.
Programs at Shoshone
Summer Camps